Transforming the World

through Mathematics

Berlin Mathematics Research Center

MATH+, the Berlin Mathematics Research Center, is a cross-institutional and interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence. It sets out to explore and further develop new approaches in application-oriented mathematics. Emphasis is placed on mathematical principles for using ever larger amounts of data in life and material sciences, in energy and network research, and in the humanities and social sciences.


MATH+ is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy (EXC-2046/1, project ID 390685689) for a first period of seven years since January 2019. It is a joint project of the three major universities in Berlin – Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin – as well as the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) and the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). MATH+ continues the success stories of the renowned Research Center Matheon and the Excellence-Graduate School Berlin Mathematical School (BMS).


DFG-Approval of Two Research Training Groups (RTG) with MATH+/BMS Scientists as Leaders

DFG Approved Two Research Training Groups (RTG) Headed by MATH+ Scientists

We are thrilled to announce that the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved two Research Training Groups with MATH+ scientists as group leaders: A new one in Algebraic Geometry with Gavril Farkas (HU Berlin) as co-spokesperson, and a second funding period for the IRTG Berlin-Oxford on Stochastic Analysis, headed by Peter Bank (TU Berlin).
MATH+ Hanna Neumann Fellow 2024: Zahra Mokhtari

MATH+ Hanna Neumann Fellow 2024: Zahra Mokhtari

We are delighted to announce that Zahra Mokhtari, a postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, has been awarded the Hanna Neumann Fellowship 2024. Congratulations! 
Ana Djurdjevac Receives “The Daimler and Benz Foundation“ Scholarship

Ana Djurdjevac Receives “Daimler and Benz Foundation“ Scholarship

MATH+ member Ana Djurdjevac has been awarded the “Daimler and Benz Foundation“ scholarship for her new research initiative titled “Advances in Numerical Methods for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Hybrid Algorithms.” Ana Djurdjeva is currently a Junior Professor (Tenure Track) in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at FU Berlin. Congratulations!



3 May – Julian Sahasrabudhe: A new lower bound for sphere packing

After discussing the history of sphere packings in very large dimension, Sahasrabudhe will describe a novel but simple approach to constructing the densest known sphere packings in large dimension. Julian Sahasrabudhe is faculty at the University of Cambridge, where he has been since 2021. In 2023, he was awarded the Salem Prize.

19 April – Christoph Sorger: Holomorphic symplectic geometry

Sorger will give a gentle introduction to classification questions in the field, first for the affine, and then for the compact case. No specific knowledge of algebraic geometry will be assumed. Christoph Sorger has been a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Nantes in France since 1999.
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